Things that have made me happy lately #7

happy 7Things that have made me happy lately #7 and life updates is what this post should have been called but it just doesn’t roll off the tongue as well, you know?  It seems like forever since I sat to to blog, film, Instagram, snapchat… there seems to be so much social media these days that I honestly can’t keep up – and I know I’m not the only one.  It’s really difficult to balance a full time job and a consistent blogging schedule but I’ll be sitting down over the next couple of weekends to create some really exciting content for you guys in October.  But for today I thought we’d catch up!  There’s been lots going on lately…

  1. Vilamoura – apart from being really ill, this was one of my favourite holidays. Sun, sea, and sangria (or mojitos in my case) It was so nice to get away for a week and switch off from work and internet life
  2. Seafood. ALL. THE. SEAFOOD. While on holiday I ate so much shrimp and lobster that I’m mildly surprised I didn’t turn into one of them.  There’s nothing better than a bit of lobster with garlic butter or shrimp with piri piri sauce!
  3. Reading – My holiday gave me the chance to do a bit of reading and I’ve fallen back in love with it.  I got through so many books on my kindle and I’ve promised myself to make more time for reading now I’m home.
  4. London on my birthday – my 2nd best birthday ever! (I was in Disney World on my 8th birthday so ya know….) The Northerner took em to see Les Mis and to Duck and Waffle – cue lots of emotional and happy tears.
  5. Booking my next adventure – Dubai and the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in November. OMG can’t wait! – Of course I’ll vlog it!
  6. Miller & Carter dates in the middle of the afternoon and still going for the all out three course meal. Stuffed doesn’t even cover it.
  7. Fridays. I love Fridays like Kanye loves Kanye.
  8. Being invited to the #BettysTeaParty in London a few weeks ago an getting to hang out with t=some awesome bloggers… oh and eat ALLLLLL THE CAKE!
  9. The chill in the air.  I’ve had my summer holiday and now i’m ready for Autumn and my autumnal wardrobe.
  10. Adam. Because just over a year ago I #SwipedRight and started talking to a guy without really expecting much… How wrong I was 🙂