It’s my Birthday!!!
So today I’ve turned 25. 25. Wow, I always said to myself that I’d be set by 25.  Actually what I use to say was ’25, that’s ages away, I’ve got loads of time’. Still, here we are.  I don’t quite have everything figured out but I thought I’d share with you some of the things I’ve learned in the first 25 years of my life.  And for those of you that wonder, would I go back to being 21? Absolutely not!! P.s what started as just one GIF of Leo in this blog post soon transcended into a GIF-fest from all my favourite shows.  So let’s begin…

1) To stop judging people – nobody has the right to do it.

2) Chase your dreams because one day you’ll wake up and wish you had

3) “I’m Awesome” – Shout about the achievements you’re proud of – whether that’s within a job interview, on twitter, wherever – because nobody else will.

4)But don’t brag – nobody likes a brag, not even a humble one, especially not a humble one.

5) Health and fitness is important – move your body. It’s true what people say, you definitely feel better for it. And if you don’t your body will kick you in the ass.

6) It’s the little things that matter 🙂

7) It’s ok to not know what you want from life. You’re only 25.

8) Happiness is important. More important that money.

9) When you’re feeling down, just remember that you’e life could probably be worse…

10) Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. So true. (Couldn’t resist this gif though…)

11) Hangovers get worse with age. Remember that when you think that the next bottle of Dom is a good idea.

12) Have no regrets, even those mistakes you’ve made – and believe me I’ve made some big ones. There will be people that will drag them up out of the past, ignore them, embrace your past – as long as you learned something, that’s the important thing.

13) Early morning are still as hard now as they were at 16!!

14) Not everybody is going to like you….

15) …and this is how to handle it.

16) Of course, there will always be people who think they have the right to have a running commentary of your life – ignore them, seriously they know very little about you!

17) The best revenge is happiness and success

18) Family (or in some cases friends) are everything

19) It might be hard, but saving money really does pay off.

20) Love your own company

21) Bad things do happen to good people – it’s how you move past them that will define you as a person.

22) Nobody has a perfect life – no matter how much the internet tells you that they do.

23) Love is.

24) Be kind. Always.

So that’s it for the Buzzfeed-esque style post. Normal service will resume tomorrow – and now I’m officially closer to 30 that I am to 20! Oi…

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