Origins Super Spot Remover

So after a number of weeks in which a lot of debating occurred, I finally took the plunge and purchased the Origins Super Spot Remover (£12).  I’m always a little sceptical when it comes to products that claim reduce spots in a short space of time.  I can honestly say I’ve never really seen a difference when using items that claim to reduce spots in 8 hours and believe me I’ve tried loads of different brands.  But after reading a few reviews I was willing to put my preconceptions to one side and try it out.
Let’s be honest, we all hone our skincare routine so that we can avoid buying items like this.  However sometimes these thing are beyond our control and it is always great to have something to hand just in case oh I don’t know, a huge volcano has decided to erupt on your face!  Origins Super Spot Remover comes in a 10ml bottle and boy it stings like a mofo when you apply it!  It may seem like you don’t get much but you honestly only need to use the tiniest bit so it will last for ages.
I’ve been using the Origins Super Spot Remover for about a two weeks now.  If you are a regular reader of my blog/ watcher of my YouTube channel you will know that I am still going through a purging stage with my Sonicleanse.  It’s increased the number of spots I’m getting on my chin and ‘SSP’ have been fabulous at nipping the spots in the bud before they are breaking my skin’s surface.  I usually apply it before I go to bed and then in the morning if the spot is still giving me trouble (once it dries you can apply make up over it).  It’s taking about two days to see results but I can report that it is making a difference.  Redness appears reduced and my spots don’t seem as angry.  The salicylic acid works to heal the spot super quickly while ‘anti-spot’ technology helps reduce scaring.  Throw in some Caffeine and Red Alge to reduce redness and some ‘super’ exfoliators to stop pores getting blocked and you’ve got yourself a super spot remover (see what I did there?) 
Will I repurchase it when it runs out? Yes.  I’ve been battling spots for years and am so pleased I’ve finally found something that can react quickly and that I know will do the job.
Do you have a miracle spot remover that you go to when you feel a boulder forming?
