Benefit High Beam Review

Every so often a product comes about that earns a cult status for years to come.  It think it is fair to say that Benefit’s High Beam falls into this category.  I’ll be honest, I’d never tried High Beam until a few months ago.  I participated in a bloggers swap and the lovely girls over at Her Late Night Cravings sent me a small Benefit starter kit (see here) which included a small bottle of High Beam and it has been love ever since.

If you’ve been following me blog or youtube for a while you will know that I like my base to be matte so I can add my own highlight rather than have that all over dewy glow.  I also have yet to find a powder highlight that has impressed me (a big thumbs DOWN for the Sleek Contour Kit).  What I like about High Beam is that it allows you to dot on where you want to highlight and it is so easy to blend out.  It’s so easy to build up and can look as natural or as ‘made up’ as you like.  It is a lovely satin pink highlighter gives a radient glow to your skin.  I like to use it above my bronzer on my cheeks or just under the brown bone to add definition to the eye area.  Benefit call it the ‘Supermodel in a Bottle’ and I can certainly see where they are coming from!!
This tiny little bottle is so handy for my ‘on the go’ make up bag but don’t be deceived by it’s size; it has lasted ages.  I’ve used it a fair few times and it has bearly touched the surface of the bottle.  When I run out I will defiantly be investing in the big bottle.  I’ve also heard really good things about the Jemma Kidd Rose Gold Highlight, but as her make up line has just been placed into administration I don’t want to get too attached to something that I won’t be able to replace when I run out of it.
What’s your favourite cream highlight?