To Go Brunette?

Hair, it’s an important thing to many of us.  It’s part of our identity and can have a massive impact on our mood.  We’re really lucky in this day and age that we can change it whenever we like.  It can be cut, dyed, extended… the changes can be endless.
I’ve flitted between being a blonde and a brunette for many years.  Unfortunately, I have a hate/hate relationship with my natural hair colour, I despise it.  It’s an unlucky cross of a dirty blonde and an ash brown and it’s not the colour for me.  As a baby I was a cute, golden blonde (think Goldylocks) but that did not last and since the age of 13 I’ve been dying it a few times a year to create the perfect shade.
I never actually intended on doing a post about going back brunette until a lovely reader asked me if I would.  So I guess the first thing I should address is why I’ve decided to go back brunette.  Theres a few reasons; the first being bordom and the second is the cost of maintaining my blonde tresses.  Don’t get me wrong I love my blonde hair but goodness, it can get expensive.  Through personal preference, I do not get my blonde ‘from a box’ as I just don’t trust it.  Blonde hair has so many opportunities to go wrong I’d rather put myself in the safe hands of my wonderful hairdresser.  Going brunette on the other hand: TOTALLY different story.  The colour you are now seeing is a box colour I picked up in Boots.  Because my hair is so long, it actually takes two boxes to cover the entire lot so I’m fortunate that they always seem to be on offer – usually two for around £11.
When I first saw the finished look I was hesitant and it was darker than I wanted it to be.  But as time has gone on I’m actually really pleased with the result and think I will stay this colour for a while.  I actually did a video on home hair dying HERE so make sure you check that out.  I do feel I look paler with darker hair and I’ve of course, had to adjust my eyebrow shading to match.  What do you think – do I look better as a blonde or a brunette?
Are you a home hair dyer or will you only trust the hairdresser?


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